Lead Magnets just got better with Hyperlinks
Getting the most from your Lead Magnet
The finishing touches to your lead magnet are just as important as what you share and how you share it.
Hyperlinks are key critical. If you are new to hyperlinks they are website links within your document or lead magnet that you are giving to your ideal client.
Not sure what they are? Check out our earlier article – Click Here
What are hyperlinks?
Hyper links are the finishing touches to your lead magnet and they are just as important as what you share and how you share it. Hyperlinks are key critical. If you are new to hyperlinks they are website links within your document or lead magnet that you are giving to your ideal client.
Now, secondly, using Canva, this is a wonderful tool and it's free or paid with the professional version as well. The free version will allow you to add hyperlinks as well. So you could create your document your guide for whatever it is you're creating as a lead magnet. And you can add in the text or the elements, photos, graphics, and so you can have a big click here button link so that when somebody receives your PDF that you create on that they can click easily
PDF Escape
Thirdly, is PDF Escape, this one again has free and paid options. The PDF escape is really clever because if you have created a lead magnet and it was maybe a little while ago and it was created without any hyperlinks – you can add them later. Perhaps you wish to add a link or the wording click here with a link. Perhaps you want to use hyperlinks to encourage visitors to read a blog article, for example that's connected with the content or promote a service. Whatever url you wish to hyperlink you can do this and you can even add regions on the page that are hyper links so the whole page or just little areas can be clicked and additional website content be accessed. So it's a really handy technique to know about and to utilise for your business today.
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