
What is WordPress PHP?

For today's guide, we're going to delve into the WordPress PHP.
One phrase comes to mind when I think of PHP, that is

Easy to do and easy not to

PHP updates can feel daunting and I have been helping a lot of clients with this lately and wanted to help you too.

Firstly if PHP sounds like a foreign language that’s okay and let me first explain what it is and why its good to be aware of how it relates to your website.

What is PHP?

PHP is a programming and scripting language to create dynamic interactive websites.

WordPress is written using PHP as the scripting language.  Just like WordPress, PHP is also open source.  PHP is a server side language, which means that it runs on your websites hosting server.

What are the benefits of

updating your PHP

  • Less vulnerable to cyberattacks.
  • Improved performance eg: load times and reduced memory usage.
  • More support – when newer PHP versions come out the older ones gradually become unsupported but the newer ones have support and have adjustments made to support issues that may arise including with security.

So now my wish is that you have a little guidance to consider either updating your PHP or to seek support to have your PHP updated for you.

If you prefer to have a little help to update your WordPress website and your PHP – simply book a tune up session *click here

*And if you’re a small business be sure to drop me drop me a message for your discount code.

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What is WordPress PHP?
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What is WordPress PHP?
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