Tips to

Improve your Website navigation

Good clear navigation is something that directly effects your website visitors experience.  Let's explore way to ensure your visitors have a great experience.

Ways you can support clear navigation for your website visitors. (1)

For today's tip, we're going to be looking at ways you can support clear navigation for your website visitors. And this comes in three parts.

This is to be:

  • Visually distinct

  • Give the option

  • Repetition

Jargon Buster

Call To Action (CTA)

what you want visitors to do/the action we most want them to take. 

Visually Distinct

Ensure your CTA is visually distinctive, consider a dynamic and distinctive colour.

An example for a coach could be you would like your visitor to book a discovery call. You want them to find out more about your services and you know, click that free consultation. Or your call to action could be for visitors to ask for a free quotation. 

It's going to be very individual for your business itself. But the primary thing/the ideal choice that you want your visitor to take is your call to action is easy to find. This is best when it's visually distinct and to stand out to your visitor, they don't have to search around for it because it pops out really clearly at them on the page.

Give The Option

Let’s look at improving navigation by “giving the option.”  

It is important to keep the option to take the action visible to your visitors as much as possible. For example, to book your services or whatever your call to action may be. You want to keep that available at all times. 

Consider the placement of your call to action. And it could be that you add it in your sticky header as a button. Now if you haven’t come across sticky headers, this simply means that you've got a header bar at the top of your website page. This type of header stays there at all times. Even when you're scrolling down the page. It is reassuring that your CTA button is still always there for your visitor to see and you know that they can click on it at any time.


Repetition is also a really important step because we don't want people to be searching around at all.

We want them to have easy peasy access to taking that action with your business. As a visitor you want to make it so easy. If they're interested, they can take that next step so simply and quickly. By repeating your call to action, and placing it in several places, we're making that so much more available to your visitor.

I hope you've enjoyed todays tip on how to enhance your website. If you'd like more tips that will give you great value on how to enhance your website today download our guide.



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How To Improve your Website navigation
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How To Improve your Website navigation
For today's tip, we're going to be looking at ways you can support clear navigation for your website visitors. And this comes in three parts.
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