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when you change Web Designer
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Changing designer happens and that old say by Dale Carnegie “You don’t gather honey by knocking over the bee hive” comes to mind. Whether you or the web designer chooses to part ways information gathering is vital.
We all remember getting a new task to do and needing extra information. There is a learning curve especially on a website your new designer did not create from scratch. As a client it’s important to allow a little time to provide information to help them be informed and have background knowledge.
Let’s explore how to make the change work better for you the client and the designer too.
Being on the same page
With a new webs designer it’s important to learn how they work as well as to put forward your needs. By being fully informed from the offset you can manage realistic expectations on both sides.

As a client you know how your previous web designer worked but it would be an error to presume every designer works in the same way. Knowledge of availability is important for example if you need same day turnaround but your designer has a minimum of 1 working days notice this could cause an immediate clash. Understanding how big the Web designers client list is and their availability is crucial. It would be a shame to start working and find a clash of approach.
By starting the discussion and stating your needs as the client agreements can be made where possible to set supportive working arrangements. One approach may be to meet with your designer fortnightly or monthly and agree the work the work you need for the month.
Being on the same page with expectations gets you off to a great start and you website needs being met.
Can your designer support emergency needs ?
Having knowledge of your web designer emergency support is valuable. It gives you clarity of how they work and you can discuss your needs. Do you want to send your designer a quick question and get an immediate answer the same day? Some designer will have a policy and if they do check it aligns with your needs too.

An emergency need is typically same day and do check if your web designer will charge more for a quicker turnaround time. If your designer works for many clients which is often the case then they may have a structured approach to how they manage emergency request.
By being informed you will know the key information and how to access emergency support when you need it.
Your Website parts and connections
This can be a challenge for clients but it needn’t be for you if you take steps to know how your website works. This is important because having no information to share can be problematic. Furthermore no information means a steep learning curve for your designer and increases that chance of mistakes happening.
Both you the client wish to avoid mistakes. You want your website running seamlessly and your designer wants a happy client with a website that supports their success.

When I refer to “how it works” this relates to the plugins, external connections and so on. With so many ways a website can be set up, it important to fully inform your new Web Designer. Furthermore you should equally expect for them to ask you the client good questions. Let’s consider an external connection eg a CRM a new designer could make a change that effects this without realising this and hence causing an issue for you and your email list.
By learning the fundamentals of how your site works you will then be prepared to share this with your new designer and really give them an insight into keeping your website working as it should. The form that your information gathering can take can be as individual as you like. Perhaps text perhaps a video – discuss what is possible with your existing designer.
By knowing more about the way your site works your new designer will feel more confident and you reduce the likelihood of errors happening.
The Website Purpose
When your website was developed and designed key objectives were in mind. Your website may wish its visitors to ultimately make a purchase and failing that collect a freebie while leaving you an email address. But one thing to note is that your new web designer was not part of that development. Web designers can view a website and have a good idea of what the website aims to achieve, however this is assumption not as good as direct information shared by you the client.
When your new designer knows your website needs they can have them in mind at each step and make important recommendation to enhance this further.

Branding and style
This stage can be incorporated as part of your design development or by a separate designer. The important point is that if you have had this put into place on your website that you share it with your new Webs designer.
Your branding information may be a visual or a document with lots of details and whatever form it is in it helps build the picture of your brand to someone new. From font types and sizing to colour your new designer will be happy to be informed and have gained supporting information.
By knowing the approach taken your new designer can follow the set pattern and support your website appearance being on brand.

Slow and steady
Remember the tortoise and the hare when starting with a new Web Designer. A moment to get familiar with each aspect is recommended and reduces issues. I’m not suggesting extra time is needed all the time but taking care with an unfamiliar website is something you as a client will appreciate at the beginning is necessary.

An examples of this may be extra testing to check changed perma links (part of the url that relates to the exact page or post) appear correctly on the front end. This will vary and is essential due to the exact plugins and settings on each website.
By allowing a little extra time for your designer to get up to speed supports your good working relationship which go hand in hand with your website success.
I hope you found this article of value and I wish you success in your Web Designer working relationships.
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